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100% Natural Flu Prevention Remedy
by · 21854 views · HD
Feeling meh today? Try this quick 100% natural remedy to boost your immune system (more)
1000 Years and the Lake of Fire
by · 20140 views · HQ
Now we know the sprit wondering around is not our loved one, then what actually happen to them? Let's open up our Bible! (more)
1000 Years of Peace
by · 7131 views · HQ
Revelation 20 mention about the 1000 years of peace, or the millennia. What is this 1000 years is all about? Why does it matter for us? (more)
2 Ways to Live
by · 5565 views · LQ
Just as there are 2 sides to a coin, there are 2 ways to live: blindly living in the darkness of spiritual confusion, or seeing with the light of truth that gives you life. A look into two lives that have been touch... (more)
5 Reasons Why I Believe Christ is Coming Soon
by · 12227 views · HD
by · 15204 views · HD
Is it a barcode? Is it a microchip? Is it a person? Is it bad? Is it good? Is it real? Does it even matter? Discover astonishing insights from the book of Revelation about 666 and the Mark of the Beast (more)
666 & The Mark of the Beast
by · 13613 views · HQ
N/A (more)
7th Day to Sunday
by · 6678 views · LQ
Out of 39000 different denomination of Christian church, only about 1% observed the Biblical Sabbath. Then why is it so most Christians observe sunday instead of the Biblical Sabbath? Let's find out! (more)
A Centuries Old Remedy of Stress
by · 11870 views · HQ
If there is one thing that kill the most men in our society that will be stress. How can we avoid it? Let’s find out about the centuries’ old remedy to solve the problem of stress. (more)
A Change of Mind
by · 4692 views · LQ
After listening to the previous sessions, a lot of people are wonder how to choose the kind of music for their casual listerning as well as for worship purposes. Let's find out how! (more)
A Companion for the Journey: God’s Gift of Marriage
by · 7789 views · LQ
Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to accompany you through life? Let’s find out the biblical model of life long companion and healthy relationship with each other. (more)
A Fatal Mistake
by · 12275 views · HQ
In the book Ephesians 2:15 said the law has been abolished, or in another word has been done away. But in James 2:11, James said the law is eternally binding. Is the Bible contradicting itself?  (more)
A Fatal Mistake
by · 6436 views · LQ
Many churches teach that God's law has been done away at the Cross. William explains from the Bible why so many people fall into this thinking. (more)
A Fresh Breath of Hope
by · 11455 views · HQ
What is hope? Do you have it? If you don't, how do you get it? Are you lonely? Are you hurt? Are you suffering due to injustice? There is a Saviour with an inexhaustable supply of hope - find answer to whatever situ... (more)
A Heavenly Model
by · 8236 views · LQ
Never before had the Lord manifested such mighty signs and wonders as when He delivered the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Plague after plague fell upon the Pharaoh's kingdom until he was forced to releas... (more)
A Jar of Oil
by · 7326 views · LQ
Elisha could see that the young widow was desperate. She threw herself at the old prophet's feet and sobbed, "The creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves!" The woman's husband had died unexpectedly a... (more)
A Plan for Your Life
by · 10369 views · HQ
Did you ever get bored with your life? Did you with there are something better planned for your life? (more)
A Planet in Upheaveal
by · 7411 views · LQ
Tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, floods… What in the world is going on? (more)
A Rest Along the Way
by · 6496 views · LQ
There was a vision of man that computer will be so powerful to do everything for us that the only thing human being need to think is how to spend our leisure time. But it didn’t work out did it? Human work more and ... (more)
A River of Life
by · 7835 views · LQ
Naaman was a brave, rich, and famous commander for the armies of Syria who contracted leprosy, the most dreaded disease of Bible times. Leprosy meant isolation from loved ones and a slow, wretched death. A Hebrew sl... (more)