Jesus Christ

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5 Reasons Why I Believe Christ is Coming Soon
by · 12390 views · HD
The Mystery Man of Prophecy
by · 11134 views · HD
In what may be the greatest of all prophecies, the ancient prophet Daniel predicted important events in the history of the Jews. This included the exact date for the coming of the Messiah (more)
The Messiah and the Judgment
by · 13425 views · HD
Bible prophecy speaks of a coming Messiah and offers a hope-filled message late in the history of the world. (more)
Why Did Jesus Die?
by · 42012 views · HD
How can Jesus dying on the cross save us from our sins? How does that help us to be more like Him? Does He really have to die in the process? (more)
Preparing My Family for Eternity
by · 15466 views · HD
Is God Lost?
by · 13672 views · HQ
Why is it so hard for people to find God? (more)
The Final Emperor Crowned
by · 18372 views · HQ
How and why Jesus will return. (more)
Good Emperor, Bad Empire
by · 18878 views · HQ
The origin of sin, Satan, death & destuction, the central issues in the great cosmic conflict, and  how each person can tirumph with Christ. (more)
The Empire Beyond
by · 17725 views · HQ
The first angel's message of Revelation 14 reveals how we can have eternal life. (more)
Who Will Be the Last Emperor
by · 20099 views · HQ
The evidence from prophecy reveals that Jesus is the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. (more)
Black & White: The Bride of Christ
by · 12403 views · HQ
Who wants to the beloved of Christ? Well you can! The Bible refer God's church, His true and faithful people the bride of Christ. (more)
Meeting Mr. Right
by · 10024 views · HQ
How many times have you done something just because you were obliged to – but your heart wasn't in it? Explore the conflict that has always seemed to exist between law and liberty and find out how to do the ri... (more)
Rescued By A King
by · 8723 views · HQ
If you're tired of being hurt, you're not alone. The Bible portrays the coming of a King who will rescue His people from their painful circumstances. Evaluate for yourself the prophecies that demonstrate that this r... (more)
What and Where is Hell?
by · 10892 views · HQ
Most of us think that hell is a place where a wicked people eventually will be thrown into and punished forever. If this is true, doesn't this make God the ultimate abuser? (more)
When Jesus Comes for You
by · 11461 views · HQ
What are the signs of Jesus second coming? Is it true it'll be quiet and secret or is it going to be loud? Let's open up your Bible! (more)
How Soon Will Jesus Return?
by · 11305 views · HQ
The Bible never gives us an exact date when Jesus will come, but it does give us signs leading to it. (more)
A Plan for Your Life
by · 10453 views · HQ
Did you ever get bored with your life? Did you with there are something better planned for your life? (more)
The Resurrection of Jesus
by · 11628 views · HQ
Proove that -5 x -3 = 15. Can you take -5 apples, times it by -3 apples and it becomes 15 apples? No? So why do we believe it? (more)
The Anti-Christ - Part I
by · 11942 views · HQ
N/A (more)
The Anti-Christ - Part II
by · 10694 views · HQ
N/A (more)