"Extreme Faith" by David Gates

What does it take for us to serve God? David Gates shares his adventures in faith.

Release Date: 05 Jan 2009

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Choose Your Death (1/6)
by · 9082 views · HQ
"Choose Your Death" is not a pretty title, but the principle behind it should motivate all ministries. (more)
I Have Heard My People\'s Cry (2/6)
by · 8154 views · HQ
God has heard his people cry. He knows their sorrow. He has a plan... (more)
When Things Look Impossible (3/6)
by · 8849 views · HQ
Have you ever been in a situation in your ministry where things look impossible? David\'s testimony shows that it is in these times that God can shine the most. (more)
The Converging Crisis (4/6)
by · 9998 views · HQ
Jesus said to His disciples, "Peace be unto you, be not afraid it is I". How can we too have peace in this time of crisis? (more)
Will the Real Adventist Please Stand Up? (5/6)
by · 9900 views · HQ
Imagine you\'re standing in a crowd and people are trying to identify you as an Adventist. What kind of questions would they ask? How would you answer? (more)
The Death of Laodicea (6/6)
by · 9173 views · HQ
Are we the last generation, represented as Laodicea in the book of Revelation? (more)