"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres

"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres [HQ]

Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently.

Date Posted: 05 Feb 2009
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Math's Problem
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Proof that -5 x -3 = 15. Can you take -5 apples, times it by -3 apples and it becomes 15 apples? No? So why do we believe it? (more)
Dinosaur in History & Forklore
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Were dinosaurs really extinct millions of years ago? This theory certainly contradicts the Bible. However, there is lots of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. (more)
Scripture Study Skills
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Good God, Bad World, Why?
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Why Satan Hates Marriage
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What Story does the Fossil Record Tell?
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Creation to Restoration - Part I
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Does God Exist?
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Ancient writings tell the story of an omnipotent God who brought this universe into existence. Does He really exist? (more)
If God Exists, Why is There Suffering?
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Why do bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear of a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person on earth - including you! (more)
Is the Bible God's Word
by · 9489 views · LQ
How can we know for sure that the Bible is divinely inspired? Join Pastor Boonstra and Pastor Finley as they delve into this subject and discuss archeological and historical evidence that the Bible is, in fact, the ... (more)