"Testimony" by Edward Widjaya

"Testimony" by Edward Widjaya [HQ]

Testimony by Edward Widjaya

Date Posted: 10 May 2012
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Baptism & Testimony
by · 6027 views · LQ
Baptism ceremony & testimony by Agus Tanuwijaya (more)
Baptism & Testimony
by · 8178 views · HQ
Special music by Lighthouse on Latrobe follow by baptism testimony by Na Shen. (more)
Baptism Testimony
by · 15723 views · HQ
Baptism testimony & ceremony (more)
Testimony - Khalil (Egypt)
by · 8132 views · LQ
Khalil was a radical Egyptian terrorist, he was trained as a skilled gunmen to kill Christian. However, later He is assigned to a special assignment to write a book to expose the lies and errors of the Bible. L... (more)
Healing Power of Grace
by · 17385 views · HQ
Michelle was sexually abused at the aged of 9 by a church elder. Unable to tell anyone, the next 30 years was a disaster. But today she is a believer of Jesus Christ who set her free! (more)
Father Day Testimony
by · 8125 views · HQ
Joe is a father to a 3 years old son. Let's listen to his testimony on the blessing and the challenges of being a father and how God had blessed him along the way. (more)
Baptism Testimony
by · 8643 views · HQ
Baptism testimony & ceremony (more)
Baptism Testimony
by · 12858 views · HD
Growing up in China, Nita was an atheist who believes in the communist party, Marxism and materialism and not interesting in anything to do with religion. (more)
Has God Spoken to Us?
by · 16084 views · HD
How reliable is the Bible? How can we be sure that its content remains the same after centuries of hand-copying? (more)
Re-Commitment Testimony
by · 4949 views · LQ
Re-commitment testimony of Easter Lee (more)
Baptism & Testimony
by · 7603 views · HQ
Baptism testmony by Saiah Ks (more)
Baptism Testimony
by · 16252 views · HD
As an emergency nurse, Joan was deeply disturbed by the terrified look on her patients' faces as they desperately tried to hold onto life. Wishing to be able to face her own death calmly, she began her journey to fi... (more)