"FAQ - Blood Pressure" by James Marcum

"FAQ - Blood Pressure" by James Marcum [LQ]

I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, yet I feel fine. Is it possible that my blood pressure is okay and I was just misdiagnosed?

Date Posted: 13 Nov 2014
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
The Heart of Health FAQ
Is there a place of modern medicine in your life? Learn its strength, weakness and how to use it correctly by having some of your toughest question answered in this FAQ series! [more]

Video No 2 / 16


FAQ - Blocked Arteries (1/16)
by · 19986 views · HQ
Recent test discover that all of my arteries are significantly blocked. Some doctors recommend bypass while others says chelation, and yet others diet and exercise. What is your opinion? (more)
FAQ - Blood Pressure (2/16)
by · 23816 views · HQ
I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, yet I feel fine. Is it possible that my blood pressure is okay and I was just misdiagnosed? (more)
FAQ - Dangers of Statins (3/16)
by · 17846 views · HQ
I have been on a statin for several years. I have read much on the internet about the dangers of long term station use. What is your opinion? (more)
FAQ - Diabetes & Insulin (4/16)
by · 17071 views · HQ
I have been on Metformin for my type 2 diabetes. Will I someday need to take insulin? (more)
FAQ - Coming Off Medications (5/16)
by · 17152 views · HQ
I have been on a sleeping pill for 5 years and would like to get off this medication. Is this possible? (more)
FAQ - Deteriorating Memory (6/16)
by · 17187 views · HQ
My mother's memory has been deteriorating the last few years. I went to the doctor and recommended an Exelon patch. Are there other things that can help? (more)
FAQ - Dry Skin (7/16)
by · 9802 views · HQ
I often have dry skin and am wondering what the best treatment is. (more)
FAQ - Health Checkup (8/16)
by · 8647 views · HQ
Why should I visit the doctor when I feel well? Won't it just end up in unnecessary costs? (more)
FAQ - Hair Replacement (9/16)
by · 9147 views · HQ
I see a lot of  hair replacement ads on TV. Do treatments for thinning hair really work? (more)
FAQ - Diet (10/16)
by · 11073 views · HQ
What percentage of my diet should be made up of protein rich foods? (more)
FAQ - Alternative to Coumadin (11/16)
by · 9859 views · HQ
I have atrial fibrillation and have been on coumadin for years. Are there natural alternatives? (more)
FAQ - Cancer Screening (12/16)
by · 9658 views · HQ
Which screening tests for cancer do you recommend? I am 88 years old and cannot get around too well. (more)
FAQ - Modern Medicine (13/16)
by · 10432 views · HQ
Of all the advances in medicine in the past century, what is the most helpful and the most useful? (more)
FAQ - Dietary Supplements (14/16)
by · 9198 views · HQ
What dietary supplements do you recommend? (more)
FAQ - Risk of Heart Disease (15/16)
by · 11116 views · HQ
I have a strong family history of heart disease. What can I do to lower my risks? (more)
FAQ - Snoring (16/16)
by · 13417 views · HQ
My husband snores and our bedroom sounds like a train station at night. What can I encourage him to do? (more)


Wonder of Exercise
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We live in the time where we're not required to move as much. In the same way that a stagnant pool breeds disease, a stagnant body will also breed disease. Let's find out why exercise is an absolute essential part o... (more)
Whatever Happened to Right and Wrong?
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Family life is out, sex and violence are in. Different values are competing for our attention and our loyalty. Your kids are exposed to many different versions of right and wrong. Is there any clear guide between ri... (more)
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Can We Live Forever?
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Intelligence - Inherited or Gained?
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How to Prevent Osteoporosis?
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Osteoporosis kills more women than breast cancer each year. What is it? Why do women have a much higher risk of osteoporosis than men? What is the role of soy food in preventing osteoporosis? (more)
Good Fats, Bad Fats
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Making the Diagnosis
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Pain Management
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Living at the Peak
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What the Bible Says About Alcohol
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Alcohol is the root of all sort of problems worldwide, yet strangely only very few countries have a law to prohibit it. Let’s find out what the Bible says about alcohol and how it is just as bad as any other drug av... (more)
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95% of children said they are being abused tell the truth. But Graham is in the other 5%. What started as a lie to revenge his father became the truth. If we do not consider reconciliation, we are missing a golden o... (more)