"Manure in My Wallet" by Julian Archer

"Manure in My Wallet" by Julian Archer [LQ]

What does your net worth need to be before you can retire or start to increase your time working on "God projects" When is enough enough? Plus a quick sniff at the manure that we all have in our wallets.

Date Posted: 07 May 2015
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
NNSW Big Camp 2015
'Big Camp' is a colloquial term for the annual convention of the North NSW Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This event is held each year at the Seventh-Day Adventist Convention Centre i... [more]

Video No 4 / 30


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Manure in My Wallet (4/30)
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How the Spirit Works in Your Life (10/30)
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