"The Seventh Man" by Wayne Stanley

"The Seventh Man" by Wayne Stanley [LQ]

What can you learn from the woman at the well?

Date Posted: 13 Nov 2008
Select Quality: LQ


Jesus, Your Heart’s Desire
by · 6617 views · LQ
Do realise there is a big solid wall in your life? That wall separates us from God and whatever we do; we feels like we will never can get over that wall. Some people call it sin, but whatever you call it, how can y... (more)
5 Reasons Why I Believe Christ is Coming Soon
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It is Finished
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What did Jesus mean when at the cross he proclaimed "it is finished"? What was finished? Did something come to an end? (more)
What is God Like?
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What is God really like? How can He let all this evil happen in this world? Is He really the kind of God who is ready to punish us whenever we make a mistake as many believe? (more)
Power of the Cross
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There is more jewellery made in the symbol of the cross than any other shape in the world today. What is so significant about the cross? Let the Bible explain! (more)
When History Repeats Itself
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Does a Medieval cover-up threaten your future? What should we believe about Christ’s Second Coming? (more)
The Rock that Simple Will Not Roll - Part I
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We live in a time when very few things are solid and lasting. The promises and pledges of politicians are fleeting. The moral values of society are increasingly in flux. Let's find out something that can be trusted ... (more)
Glory: Face to Face with the One Who Has Loved You All Along
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Do you long for someone who will fulfil us? Someone who can have intimacy relationship with us. But the things we found are just not satisfying. Let’s find out someone that can fulfil us and long far more to see us ... (more)
How Jesus Christ Will Defy the Skeptics and Return to Earth
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The word "rapture" does not appear in the Bible. Yet, correctly understood, it is a Biblical teaching. Let's find out from the Bible, how and when the "rapture" will take place in relation to other end-time events. (more)
The Meaning of the Cross
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Do you understand the meaning of the cross? Do you believe that Jesus' death can make a difference in your life today? Let's uncover how the death of a man over 2000 years ago enables us to have a second chance. (more)
Fire in the Sky
by · 12553 views · HQ
How is Jesus going to come back to earth? Interestingly this is a highly disputed topic even among Christian's churches. Let's study the Bible to find out what the real truth about this and why it is very important ... (more)
The Fatal Attraction of the Cults
by · 12006 views · HQ
Throughout the centuries, the devil has a strategy that if he cannot stop us from worshipping the creator God, he will confuses our mind and create a cult to deceive us into worshipping him instead. Let’s find... (more)