"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres

"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres [HQ]

Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently.

Date Posted: 05 Feb 2009
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Why I Believe in God
by · 12316 views · HQ
Most people believe in the evolution theory because it make sense and the idea of God doesn't, but is that true? Let's take a closer look! (more)
Does God Exist? Does It Matter?
by · 9887 views · HD
85% of people in the world believe in God or higher being. Is there any evidence that God exists? And if God exist, so what? (more)
Dinosaur in History & Forklore
by · 12041 views · HQ
Were dinosaurs really extinct millions of years ago? This theory certainly contradicts the Bible. However, there is lots of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. (more)
Israel's Natural Wonders
by · 7192 views · LQ
In this program, let's travel right around the world to answer the question: where did earth come from? did it take millions of years? Are we related to monkeys? How did it happen? (more)
The Two Convenants
by · 10051 views · HQ
In Eph 2:11, the Bible says if you are a Gentile (non-Jewish) then you have no hope, without the convenant and without God in the world. Therefore is there any hope for the rest of us? (more)
We Can Believe in God
by · 9606 views · HQ
Did you ever notice that life on earth as we know it sustained by an exploding hydrogen bomb called the sun? Did you ever stop to wonder how many incredibly complicated systems in your body have to function in perfe... (more)
If God Exists, Why is There Suffering?
by · 9627 views · HQ
Why do bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear of a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person on earth - including you! (more)
Where the Mammals Reign - Part II
by · 10828 views · HQ
In this lecture, the ice ages are discussed and reasons for mammalian distribution and appearance in the upper portion of the geological column are presented. The evolution of man and the time constraints in terms o... (more)
Where Do Human Beings Come From?
by · 8870 views · LQ
Many scientists say that based on our DNA we are 98% similar to apes. But do you know that we are also 90% similar to mice and 35% similar to daffodils? Let see what Shawn accompanied by Dr Timothy Standish, a biolo... (more)
We Can Believe the Bible
by · 10002 views · HQ
Did you know archaeologists are constantly finding clues from the world of the Bible? They have confirmed many historical details that were only found in the Bible record. (more)
How to Study the Bible
by · 6744 views · HD
Let's learn some of the ways to study the Bible in a rich and very meaningful ways! (more)
Scripture Study Skills
by · 6337 views · HD
Let's learn some of the ways to study the Bible in a rich and very meaningful ways! (more)