"Why History?" by Hal Holbrook

"Why History?" by Hal Holbrook [LQ]

History is more than just a collection of facts. It is a gift handed down to us in the generation pasts. We use it to find our perpose, our world and the universe around us and also to proof our Bible.

Date Posted: 04 Jun 2009
Select Quality: LQ
The Seventh Day - Revelations from the Lost Pages of History
Hal Holbrook, in his intimate and captivating style, reveals the battle over the seventh-day Sabbath from the lost pages of history. Commencing with the early Christian church, then the medieval times... [more]

Video No 1 / 5


Why History? (1/5)
by · 11113 views · LQ
History is more than just a collection of facts. It is a gift handed down to us in the generation pasts. We use it to find our perpose, our world and the universe around us and also to proof our Bible. (more)
The Sabbath Miracle (2/5)
by · 10745 views · LQ
Do you ever think of why the a week equal to 7 days? it doesn't goes with a month or neither a year. Let's find out why is it and how it lead us all the way to our creation. (more)
Patrick Escapes (3/5)
by · 7022 views · LQ
Did the Sabbath was changed to Sunday overnight? Certainly not. Lets discover the long lost battle to replace the Biblical Sabbath to Sunday as the universal Christian day of worship. (more)
Death in Red Square (4/5)
by · 12022 views · LQ
How did the Biblical Sabbath rediscovered? Did the Seventh-day Adventist Church rediscover it? Lets find out about a movement in Russia that was known as "Novgorod", a movement that was fighting for the Sabbath keep... (more)
Authority and Tradition (5/5)
by · 6833 views · LQ
Ever since 4th century, religion were enforced by the civil laws, and anyone with different opinion would be punish with a death penalty. Lets discover a long brave fight of William Roger to seperate religion and ci... (more)


Isle of Patmos - Part II
by · 7104 views · LQ
Do you wonder why this website called Beyond Patmos? In this 2 part series, Pr. Mark and Dr. Hazel will cover the top 10 Achaeology find that relates to the Bible. Let's begin! (more)
Temples & Tombs
by · 6731 views · LQ
While Egypt enjoying its glorious era of prosperity and power, the prophet of Israel predict the doom of Egypt (Ez 30:13). Let's find out how this prophecy was fulfilled. (more)
From Patmos to America
by · 9504 views · LQ
What is the Mark of the Beast? Let us find out what it is as we take a journey from the island of Patmos where the prophecy was given to John. (more)
The Doom of Pompei
by · 7560 views · LQ
the Italian city, Pompeii, was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption that lay the city buried for over 15 centuries. Let's find out more about this city and how this city's sudden destruction maybe a warning for ... (more)
Babylon, The City of Gold
by · 10126 views · LQ
Babylon, once the city of gold, today lay deserted in ruin near modern Bagdad, Iraq. Let's find out how this once marvellous city has come to this, just as the Bible prophecies. (more)
The Ancient Greek
by · 6114 views · LQ
What will eternal life be like? Will we recognise each other? What will we do with all of that spare time? Let's take a journey to the ruin of Athens to find out the answer. (more)
A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part II
by · 10840 views · HQ
This series takes us on a fascination walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the Exodus and the existence of long-forgot... (more)
Strange Burial Places
by · 7029 views · LQ
What happen after we died? Let's take a journey to remarkable catacomb such as Bet Shearim in Israel and other strange burial place to find the answer. (more)
Israel's Natural Wonders
by · 7567 views · LQ
In this program, let's travel right around the world to answer the question: where did earth come from? did it take millions of years? Are we related to monkeys? How did it happen? (more)
Papal Rome
by · 7301 views · LQ
In this program, we will visit the great city of Rome. Where we will visit the great cathedral of St. Peter and discuss the early Christian church. (more)
Open Space in Orion
by · 16043 views · HQ
Many believe the Bible is just a mere story book. Let’s discover many evidence that it is a divinely inspired book! (more)
The Witch of Endor
by · 8683 views · LQ
Is spiritualism real or is it just a trick? Let's find out what the Bible has to say while we visit Canaanite's city, Endor, where the first historical recorded spiritualism took place. (more)